Bama Upgrades A-Day Experience...

Nick Saban & Lane Kiffin are pretty excited, y'all!!!  And they want you to be a part of it.  With A-Day at The University of Alabama right around the corner, they're rolling out the crimson carpets hoping to entice fans to attend the annual spring game.  In an ongoing effort to exceed 2007's packed house, fans are being offered a day full of activities to choose from this year.

Saban has often attributed his first #1 signing class in 2008 to their A-Day experience.  Seeing the importance of attendance, they've outdone themselves to make sure attending the spring game is worthy of your time.  Here is the schedule of events planned for the big day:

  • Starting at 9 am, Mercedes Benz Fanfest begins.  It's a kid friendly event complete with inflatables for the kiddies & bigscreens with memorable Bama moments to make the inflatables bearable for the parents.
  • South Field Suites- Enjoy the luxury of the Suite Life for just 20 bucks!  Meal & program included!
  • The Zone- You've all heard us talk about it! Now you can experience The Zone.  $25/person. Reserved seats & meal included.  BYOB.
  • Locker Room Tours-  Yeah... This one's on me if this is the first you are hearing of it because they've already sold out. But still. Very cool.
  • Pregame field access-  Yep. You can put your feet on the hallowed ground that is Bryant Denny Stadium for just 5 bucks!
 Hey, I'll admit it. I haven't been to A-Day since 2007.  And then I only went because I needed to see for myself that we really hired the infamous Nick Saban.  I could blame it on having to work so many when I was a recruiting hostess... But honestly, it's just boring.  But I'm kinda pumped about this year! PLUS the amount of effort our University is putting forth to improve attendance shows me how important this is.  And seriously, can you really have a bad day at The Capstone?

Bama holds yet another college football record in another category when you look at A-Day attendance over the past 7 years.  Of course, we lead the nation.  According to, we lead the nation in attendance with an average of 84,978 fans in attendance each year.  I think we can one up that this year my fellow Bammers!!! Who's with me????

Plus, who isn't dying to see Tony Brown on the field?

If you'd like to find out more about the new A-Day experience, go to The Roll Tide Experience for more information...  See ya soon!!!

Thanks for stopping by, y'all!!!  Roll Tide!!!


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