Fake It Till Ya Make It....

2013 just hasn't been my year, y'all. It straight up curbstomped me.  I mean American History X style curbstomp.

I've lost a lot this year.  I've been forever changed by events I'd have never thought would happen to me.  But life happens. Death happens. Unfair asshole bosses happen. Suicide happens.  We all get dealt a hand in life.  And it may be a straight flush & it may be nothing.  But at the end of the day, it's what you make of it.

A year ago today, I was going to UAB to pick up the Christmas tree I had taken to decorate Kev's room.  It was stormy & I was straight up ill because I just didn't want to spend Christmas night that way.  Oh, how many times I've wished to have that night back....

Kev was the best of us.  Yep. That's a cliche'. But he really was.  He was a fighter like nobody I've ever seen.  He showed courage that amazes me.  He had but 2 goals; to be a narcotics officer & to love my sister.... And he did both beyond measure.  But Kevin died on April 7th (I consider it April 6th but I don't count).

But I don't want to make this about Kevin's death... I want to remind everyone about life.  2013 has been my nightmare.  But the person who's suffered through more than most of us will in a lifetime told me tonight, "It's amazing what a difference a year can make. It will always be hard but that's the price of admission. Hold on. Hope for the best. And happiness will find you"...

Life is funny... And 2013 has been a roller coaster ride I'm ready to get off.  But time changes circumstances.  And things always get better.  And there's nothing like the hope for what blessings tomorrow has in store for us all.  That and awesome photobombs from the popz.

Siran Stacey wrote one of my favorite quotes on a football he signed for Kev in Miami earlier this year... "To much is given, much is expected".  Life ain't easy, y'all. But it's a hell of a lot better than dying. Merry Christmas!!!

Thanks for stopping by, y'all!!! Roll Tide!!! Roll Kev!!!


  1. I agree, 2013 sucked. Mine for different reasons. But for the same reasons that it sucked, when I look back I see how much I've learned, how much my relationships have grown and how I now know what's REALLY important. So, here's to a much brighter year ahead!


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