UA Swimmer Dies In Storm

L ess than 24 hours after the anniversary of the tornadoes that ripped thru Alabama, many of us found ourselves cowering in closets waiting for James Spann to give us the nod that we are safe again. John Servati never got that nod. Servati, a Junior at The University Of Alabama, was pronounced dead at DCH Hospital last night after suffering injuries from a falling retaining wall in the basement where he had taken refuge. He lost his life while saving his girlfriend's... John Servati was the kind of man we all hope our kids grow up to emulate. A resident of Tupelo, Mississippi, he was a member of UA's Swim Team. Just Friday, Mike Slive announced that Servati was one of Bama's 48 student athletes placed on the Southeastern Conference's Acedemic Honor Roll. He had carried a 3.55 GPA for his entire career at the University. Thoughts and prayers go out to his friends & family this morning. The Bama Nation lost one of it's finest last nigh...