Porch Swings And Rocking Chairs
As long as I can remember, I have just loved rocking chairs & porch swings... I don't know what it is about them. They just remind me that everything's right in the world. I was lucky enough to grow up next door to my grandparents. They've always had a swing and several rocking chairs. I can remember laying on that yellow leather swing when I was little. The coolness felt so good to my sticky back from the perspiration from whatever imaginary world I had just survived... And sharing my ham sandwich with their dog, Gee-Gee (that dog was one of the greats, btw. RIP).
One of my sweetest memories is a little crimson red rocking chair I had when I was about as old as the last national championship Bama won. Just imagine what the first la-z-boy looked like, take it back 20 years, and then shrink it down to toddler size. Thank goodness my mama was skinny as a rail because she sat in that little rocking chair & rocked me to some pretty sweet dreams more nights than I can count. I still remember the night we broke it... I guess I should ask her whatever happened of that ole thing but some things are just best unknown. I loved my red rocking chair.
Granny & Paw-Paw still have the swing. They've upgraded, of course. The white metal bars & the yellow vinyl (yeah, they tricked me about that whole leather thing) has been replaced with some fancy wicker. But it's still the first place I sit when I'm there. And it's still the best nap I'll ever have.
So... I found a fabulous deal on a beautiful porch swing this week. The exact kind I'd looked at a million times and wanted so bad.... But this time I bought it. I went to Lowe's and stared cluelessley at all the different thingamadigies. Thankfully, this guy saved me. Told me what to buy & how to install it. Overwhelmingly excited, I went home to make this small dream a reality... I got my Richard Simmons excuse for a drill & the ladder I jacked from Elegant Decor (my ladder is at the 213). I measured, did the math, I had this.
3 hours later.... I had pulled every muscle in my torso, my eyes stung from the saw dust as my arms had twisted and twisted trying to get the anchors in place. It was late & I was annoyed. And you may think it sounds funny to go to all this trouble. But I drug the beautiful wicker swing.... A darker version of the one I nap on so many times when I'm at my grandparents.... Careful not to make a mark... The excitement filling this exhausted body...
This is it!!!!!
I can just imagine the countless evenings I'll spend on this swing!!! Just like when I was growing up!!!
I strain with every muscle I have while I'm on the ricketty old ladder.
First hook is in!!!
I'm thinking about electric blankets and would it be that absurd to sleep out here tonight????
Second hook!!!
Ah, man!!! This is gonna be just like being at granny's!!!
Well shit. Never thought about asking about the dang measurements. Anyone know how to shorten a porch swing chain???
Roll Tide, y'all!!! Roll Tide Kyle from Lowe's!!!
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4 Generations & We ALL Love A Porch Swing!!! |
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