Dear Kevin...

Dear Kevin, As I'm packing for my trip to Nola, I've ended up having a Kev moment tonight. I think trying to figure out what to wear on New Year's Eve triggered it. Remember last year? Just me, you & a cell phone. Kev, I sure miss your voice. I know what you did has forever changed me. I am SO SORRY for letting you down. I should've been there that night. Who would've thought? I DID NOT want Ash with you & ended up falling completely in love with my wittle baby brahther!!! You'd love how I've made everyone so uncomfortable so many times this year reliving one of our crazy memories! Be glad you missed the Iron Bowl. It was horrible. The day after tomorrow will be so hard for me. New Year's last year was so full of hope! You were better! And everyone was happy. Okay.... I should have suspected something when Ash asked for a Chunky & you bought her 20. But let's be honest. That was so romantic! You'd be proud of your...