Rammer Jammer~A Video Diary

H ave you ever been around that snotty nosed kid that won't accept not getting their way? You know the one I'm talking about. The little brat that puts his fingers in his ears while screaming, "I CAN'T HEAR YOU! I CAN'T HEAR YOU!". Imagine about 200 of those little assholes in head to toe orange and blue. But instead of the 'I can't hear you' mantra, they manage to come up with something even more annoying. The auburn fight song. Yep. This happened Saturday night, y'all. I have clocked 5 years experience sitting next to the visiting band. It isn't always easy but I really do love my section. Plus, sometimes you get to score awesome pictures like this: Ironically, with 00:01 left on the clock, about 100,000 of my closest friends and I celebrated a much deserved win over our in-state rival. Kids, I'm telling ya.... After suffering thru 2010 & 2013, the look of relief on my face would be virtually impossible to d...