Iron Bowl Problems

F or the last month, I've been struggling with a really difficult life decision. I'm not talking about where to plan my next vacation or what color to paint my kitchen, y'all. This is MUCH MORE IMPORTANT than that.... See, I am the proud owner of a couple of Iron Bowl tickets & I've been really torn about what I should do with them. Before you roll your eyes and label this a first world problem, hear me out & you'll understand why it's been so hard deciding should I stay or should I go. Reason #1 I really hate Auburn, y'all. This is not your typical run of the mill kinda hate either. I despise everything about them. I hate their fans. They're truly the most annoying fanbase in all of college football. I hate the way they not only think God is a football fan but he is, in fact, an auburn fan. I hate the way they make signs saying things like, "God Thing" while guzzling bourbon and cursing at opposing fanbases. I...