Auburn University: Bama's Little Brother Since 1893

Alexander Theroux once said, "Hypocrisy is the essence of snobbery, but all snobbery is about the problem of belonging". Auburn should really consider adding this quote to their beloved creed because it defines them. Never has an athletic program tried so hard to mirror their rival more than the university of auburn. Earlier today, Bama's prodigal little brother announced that auburn athletic officials are considering recognizing as many as 7 additional national championships. This may come as a complete shock as I'm typically opposed to anything positive taking place down in west Georgia... But dear 8 lb 6 oz newborn baby Jesus, PLEASE DO THIS WAR EAGLES! I'm totally serious. I fully support this proposal. Because for as long as I can remember, countless auburn fans have been annoying the hell out of our fanbase with the same tired diatribe. I know. There's just so many... So to avoid confusion, I'm referring to the one about...